Ex’pression College is located in Emeryville, CA. The programs offered by the school are intense, and have been developed to closely resemble the type of situations that graduates will encounter on the job. Students benefit from the fact that faculty members have real-world experience in the subjects they teach.
People who are enrolled in the Bachelor’s degree program in Animation and Visual Effects offered by Ex’pression College start by getting a solid background in art, visual effects and animation design.
From there, they learn how to apply their knowledge to working with character animation and rigging, compositing, and texture and lighting.
3D modeling, character animation and motion capture are also covered in the courses.
Students get training in the kinds of tasks they will be performing once they start working in the industry.
The College offers professional laboratories for students to work in, with a machine for each person in the program. The following software programs are used by students:
The curriculum offered to students majoring in Animation and Video Effects includes courses in the following:
Application forms for Ex’pression College are available from the Admissions Department or online. Along with the completed form and the required application fee, prospective students are required to submit a personal essay. This is the applicant’s opportunity to explain his or her reasons for applying to the College in the degree program of their choice. The college also requires proof that the applicant completed high school or has obtained a GED.
Applicants to the Animation and Video Effects program must also complete an on-site drawing test or submit three sketches they have done. Each drawing submitted should be of the applicant’s own hand holding an object of their choice.
The applicant must also meet with a representative from the college and write a Basic Skills Test. A person who has already written the SAT or ACT test is not required to write the Basic Skills Test as well.